Thursday, March 27, 2008

"B" States

I'm working on this weeks Super Delegates for FOTM. This week I'm covering the SD's from Arkansas. Very exciting. I'm going in alphabetical order by state. Arkansas is the last of the "A" states. Next week I start on the "B" states.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Purim Carnival

Last night I did some caricatures at Temple Shaaray Tefila's Purim Carnival. Purim, for those of you who choose not to follow the link I so kindly provided, is kind of like a Jewish Halloween. Why, you might ask, do Jews need Halloween when so many of them dress funny all year round? This would prompt me to comment that I didn't realize you were such an anti-semite and then we'd start punching and slapping each other until one of us gets a bloody nose. Probably me.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Face Practice

Lauren likes the "nice" caricatures that I do. Nice meaning I don't over exaggerate and distort facial features. But that wild exaggeration is what caricature is all about. That and getting paid to draw insulting pictures of drunken wedding guests. So, I've decided to start practicing and figure out how best to exaggerate facial features. Don't tell Lauren.

Future Spam!

I wasn't going to tell anyone about this but it's just too incredible. I've been receiving email from the future! Right now it's just spam but I suspect I'll start getting emails from friends and family with news of things that haven't happened yet! I'll get re:plies from emails I haven't sent yet! It will be the end of lotteries and sports betting. We'll be able to prevent future crimes and disasters. Well, I won't be able to prevent them, but someone will. It's an astounding, Earth shattering event and it all started with spam.